Maybe you want to have a certain ringtone play to distinguish when family or friends are calling, or maybe you want to give each person in your life a “theme song” so you know who’s calling without even picking up your phone. Either way, custom ringtones keep you in the know.
After all, handheld cell phone use while operating a car is a key contributor to distracted driving, which kills thousands of Americans every year. Instead, you can use phone features such as custom ringtones to know who’s calling and keep your eyes on the road.
For example, a lot of people lose the ability to reliably hear higher pitches, and so maybe a deeper ringtone might be better suited for you. Additionally, you can download so-called “extra loud ringtones” on Google Play or the Apple App Store, which may be even easier to hear than the standard tones that come with your phone.
Scientists have actually researched the best sounds to wake up to so you can feel alert and refreshed, with melodic alarms rating higher than loud beeping noises.
Some smartphones even code vibration patterns to match their default ringtones, offering you the ability to customize the vibration patterns for each caller.